Large low consumption range (LPWAN) solution for IoT and M2M-Powered by ETI d.o.o.
Large low consumption range (LPWAN) solution for IoT and M2M-Powered by ETI d.o.o.


LPWAN is a small consumer of large network range also known as LPWA network. LPWA Network is a new type of radio technology that is used for wireless communication of data for different IoT applications and M2M solutions. Key characteristics of this technology are a high range of communication, low transfer speed and small budget required for the same.


Nowadays, there are several wireless technologies that enable the development of a wireless network through sensors. Most IoT and M2M solutions require communication in a wide range of network with low flow, which is not the case with already existing technologies. They are very adaptive to various streaming and range applications. Therefore, it is a good time for LPWAN technology that is very convenient for using applications.



The unique set of LPWAN features is best tailored to the needs of IoT and M2M relative to others. The pattern below shows the advantages of a low-power network compared to standard.


General characteristics of LPWAN

  • Range 5 to 30 km away in different conditions
  • High autonomy of smart devices with life ages of 10 years
  • A small portion of data transmitted by low flow that can vary from several bits to a few hundred bits
  • Cheap radio and chips depending on the manufacturer can vary from a few dollars to a few tens of dollars
  • A little delay that is essentially not the main parameter in the IoT application
  • Small number of access points (base stations, junction boxes) covering a wide area like the city or even the state
  • Good penetration in the event of using a sub-Ghz ISM frequency and a better coverage of the network in the open area

LPWAN is a long-range Network for IoT devices

LPWAN is necessary in business

Nowadays, a large number of business sectors face the challenges of communication. Some applications use IoT with cell modems only because they bring a refund even when users pay several hundred dinars a month per connection sensor. However, there are many minor returns applications that are still not realized because standard communication technologies do not produce a positive refund from the current monthly state.

Compared to the aforementioned situation, the LPWAN network offers a very effective solution. With this technology, the initial price of the radio modem and the amount of the monthly service is much smaller in dinars. While the price of a cellular modem is about $30, the WAVIoT's module is made considerably cheaper.

The potential of LPWAN is enormous. According to analytical analyses, more than 20 billion IoT devices will be available up to 2020 and a large number of devices will be connected with LPWAN assistance. There are several LPWAN technologies currently available on the market. They differ from each other by frequency, bandwidth, RF modulation, access and high-functioning algorithms. As an end score, access points allow them to perform the right technology for IoT.


Many companies, industrial and municipal business sectors use LPWAN. Here are some examples of a IoT of apps where LPWAN is the best technology for delivering far-reaching and economical connectivity. LPWAN is perfect for connecting a large number of sensors with low data flow, covering high speeds, large areas of cities, even countries.

Logo Water meters

Service companies make reading of the water network very sporadically without a reliable monitoring system. GPRS or other technologies, whether wired or wireless, are limited and non-profitable. The LPWA network covers 160 km ² and delivers a small flow of data to a system for automated meters in real time without the need for physical presence.

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Logo Smart Power Nets

Nowadays, most electrical companies supply us with electricity without returning the real-time monitoring report. The breeding of electrical networks enables more efficient transmission of energy, the economy for suppliers and consumers, so good for an effective balance sheet.

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Logo Dima/Fire Alarm Detectors

Smoke detectors, fire alarms and other similar security systems are systems that are very important for safety. Therefore, they do not need to send too much data to the person who performs the monitoring. You only need to transfer a signal from a given sensor to issue status messages and alarm messages. LPWAN Network is the right network that can respond to such application requirements.

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